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Oltrarno Village feel

Oltrarno Village feel

Renowned for its village feel, authenticity and genuine people, the Oltrarno quarter is historically famous for its artisans. It's also an animated hub of hip restaurants and boutiques that blend perfectly with the district's artist ateliers and antique shops – without losing the sense of community for which it has become famous.

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Gardens- secret sanctuaries in the heart of Florence

Gardens- secret sanctuaries in the heart of Florence

Pitti Palace and Boboli, Bardini, Iris, Rose garden

Here at Slow tour Tuscany we say smell evokes memories more vividly than any other sense. Here in Florence memories are imprinted on the cityscape, brought to multisensory life as spring arrives and the city’s magnificent gardens and hidden green zones begin to bloom, revealing stories in unexpected corners. 


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Caravaggio and the Medici in the spotlight at the Uffizi

Caravaggio and the Medici in the spotlight at the Uffizi

A controversial artist on the run for murder and a cardinal-turned-Grand Duke with a flair for drama: it’s little wonder that Caravaggio and Ferdinando I de’ Medici are the forces behind the artist’s extraordinary Head of Medusa (1597/98), now a showpiece of the eight sumptuous new rooms dedicated to Caravaggio at the Uffizi Gallery.

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Entering the Chianti a Renaissance landscape

Entering the Chianti a Renaissance landscape

Step into the Uffizi Gallery or any of the frescoed family chapels around Florence and you’ll notice a recurring theme: behind the depictions of miraculous saints and pious Florentine donors are sweeping vistas of olive-clad hillsides and medieval skylines, dissolving into soft background hues.. No mere figment of the Renaissance artist’s imagination, these are the timeless landscapes that still surround Florence, and they can be seen and felt today on an exploration of the Chianti.

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