Professional guides in Florence and not only...

The strength of Slow Tour Tuscany is the staff dynamic and highly specialized: guides and tour leaders are all authorized and licensed by the Tuscany Region, our sommelier is certified FISAR, our Wedding Planner is certified AWP

Slow Tour Tuscany is a team of professionals specialized in tours of Tuscany all with national license that operate according to the philosophy "Slow" to ensure the highest customer satisfaction in the sharing of artistic and cultural Tuscan baggage. We are able to offer an extensive program of guided tours for both individual clients and groups to the cities of Florence, Siena, Lucca, Pisa and the coast of the Etruscans.

Annalisa Menconi, founder of Slow Tour Tuscany

our Team

Slow Tour Tuscany is a team of professionals specialized in tours of Tuscany all with national license that operate according to the philosophy "Slow" to ensure the highest customer satisfaction in the sharing of artistic and cultural Tuscan baggage. We are able to offer an extensive program of guided tours for both individual clients and groups to the cities of Florence, Siena, Lucca, Pisa and the coast of the Etruscans.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Annalisa  Menconi

Tour guide-Event organizer - CEO SlowTourTuscany Italian-English

Annalisa Menconi

  • Tour guide-Event organizer - CEO SlowTourTuscany
  • Italian-English

I am a tourist guide, founder and owner of Slow Tour Tuscany.
I take care of the organization of tourist routes and itineraries since 2006 and I created this group of professionals because we all share the desire to transmit the historic / artistic skills , those "knowledge" that are kept in the territories and in local traditions.
I was born in Florence in a large family that still meets for memorable lunches (even five hours!) Where everything is homemade with recipes handed down from generation to generation; it is thanks to the uniqueness of these moments that comes the inspiration to build tours that are real "experiences" therefore "unforgettable"!

Slow Tour Tuscany - Daria  Radler

Blog Writer Italian-English-German

Daria Radler

  • Blog Writer
  • Italian-English-German

Im Daria, a content and travel writer on the go. Originally from Hamburg, Germany, I am a wanderer with an energetic mind and a curious heart. So far, my travels have taken me to 25 countries on five continents. When I bought a van and finally made the road my home in 2016, things changed in many ways. For one, I began to move more slowly. Never fully knowing where I was headed, the road has recently led me back to Florence. Here I do what I like best. From travel, culture and creative writing to designing websites: I create and work with new ideas.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Michela  Ansaloni

Manager Luxury Italian-English

Michela Ansaloni

  • Manager Luxury
  • Italian-English

I was born in Modena, growing up with my grandma in the kitchen, who taught me the Emilian cuisine and hospitality, two of my greatest passions. I reached a twenty-year experience in tourism, events organisation, catering, personal concierge and P.A. responsibilities.
The binding of these activities has naturally generated my job: Personal Concierge to manage the “daily errands and duties” (home-family sitting, errands, appointments...) and Tours-Events organizer to enjoy the pleasures of life (private parties, travels, events, culture, food and wine traditions and excellences...).
Fifteen years in Ferrari (among Formula One and track events) have shaped a certain experience with the motorsport world and its enthusiasts.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Dimitri  Montoci Donati

Tour leader-Groups Manager Italian-English-French

Dimitri Montoci Donati

  • Tour leader-Groups Manager
  • Italian-English-French

My name is Dimitri and I was born and raised in the amazing Florence even if I have lived long time abroad for studying and working;
I spent time in Usa, French Caribbean, France and London.
My passions are the art, sports, adventure trips, writing and reading which are deeply involved in my job.
I have 22 years of experience as tour leader, escorting american, canadian, australian and french groups alll around Italyto dscover all the beauties of my wonderful contry.
My goal is trying to let clients understand the different traditions there are in the different parts of Italy and share my knowledge and this make the difference!!!
Ihave escorted all kind of groups: Vip private tours, organized groups, pilgrim tours, student tours , sport tours and big events always ensuring a professional job very well done.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Isabella  Toti

Cooking class chef-Event organiser Italian-English-French

Isabella Toti

  • Cooking class chef-Event organiser
  • Italian-English-French

Hello my name is Isabella, I love children, nature and animals, sports and good food!
I have nearly two decades of tourism accommodation and I work with passion of my b & b, family-run.
Also, thanks to my grandmother Ines and nanny Luciana, I have cultivated since childhood passion for Tuscan and Italian cuisine. They taught me to prepare tasty dishes telling old stories and teaching me the "tricks" of the kitchen of other times.
I love my job because it allows me to do some great new knowledge, to find myself confronted with different cultures and traditions, to spend some beautiful days in the company of my guests!

Slow Tour Tuscany - Antonio  Bencistà

Tour guide Italian-English-French

Antonio Bencistà

  • Tour guide
  • Italian-English-French

Tour guide in Florence. Museums, walking tours and private tours. Expert about the CHIANTI area (where Im from) and wine tours.
Ive got the certification to be a Florence tour guide in February 2014 and after a few months of work I can easily say that sharing the beauties of my city with people that want to discover it, its something that I love and its really rewarding.
Considering time and expectations, we could plan private tours out the beaten track to make the most of your TUSCANY/FLORENCE experience !!

Slow Tour Tuscany - ELENA  CAMPANI

Tour guide-Tour leader Italian-English


  • Tour guide-Tour leader
  • Italian-English

My name is Elena Campani and tourist guide for the city of Florence and its province.
I studied art at the DAMS of Bologna and ceramist for passion, passion that I share manipulation planning workshops for children.
I love walking through the streets of Florence, through squares, churches and museums, along new paths and unusual.
Become a tour guide allowed me to turn in my profession and to share with people wandering always new emotion to visit Florence, see live the great masterpieces and discover hidden places and little known.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Chiara  Certini

Tour Guide Italian - English - French

Chiara Certini

  • Tour Guide
  • Italian - English - French

Do not let your trip in Tuscany is a simple step:
can you expect from your stay much more.
You can give yourself a slow entry into the daily lives of its inhabitants, in the artisan tradition and habits that have made the identity of past and present of his city; can you invade by the flavors of the products of his land; you can fill your eyes the beauty of his art, and not in a superficial manner; you can enjoy unique and unusual experiences.
Even I, who was born in Florence and this city I graduated in history of the art, Tuscany dress ready to fall in love all the time ... because every experience has always its uniqueness since I always want to adapt my visits to the passions and interests of those who accompany you!

Slow Tour Tuscany - Ilaria  Giolli

Tour guide-Tour leader Italian-English

Ilaria Giolli

  • Tour guide-Tour leader
  • Italian-English

Hello, my name is Ilaria,
Im a Florentine and I have loved Florence and Art for as long as I can remember. Since I was a teenager I have had a passion for painting and I have also become a painter myself. Graduating from the University of Florence in Art History I enriched my feeling for art, learning and appreciating what major artists have created and knowing how they felt.
I had the great fortune to be born and live in this wonderful city of Florence in which I have become a tour guide. Through time I appreciated not only the great masterpieces, known to many, but also the many small, wonderful secrets, curiosities, anecdotes which are hidden and unknown to many people.
I love to convey all the passion for art that animates me to other people, capturing their attention by giving them unforgettable moments, without weighing them down with tedious and academic lectures.
They says that the memories are born from emotions! Emotions can have a powerful impact on memory!

Slow Tour Tuscany - Elena  Grassi

Tour Guide Italian-English

Elena Grassi

  • Tour Guide
  • Italian-English

My name is Elena, Im florentine and I simply love Florence.
This vibrant multicultural city is my home, my passion and just a faboulous place to spend time.
The love for my town and the passion for art have motivated me to study to become an authorized guide willing to share with you the emotion I always feel whenever I am in front of Florentine Renaissance masterpieces. That is why I will try to do my best to make your stay in Florence an everlasting experience that hopefully will stay in your heart forever.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Kiyoko  Hirai

Tour guide Italian-English-Japaneese

Kiyoko Hirai

  • Tour guide
  • Italian-English-Japaneese

I came to Florence for the first time when I was a college student. On that occasion, the group was led by Professor Miyashita, a student of art history who explained the importance of Florentine culture and introduced to the world of the restoration of the fine arts. When you visit Florence will lead you to the city with great pleasure.
Biography: A graduate in literature from the University of Kounan Jyoshi in Japan. Once he moved to Italy and studied Italian. He obtained a Diploma of restorer of paintings with acknowledgment by Tuscany Region. She finished her degree in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, where I concluded for the two-year specialization course in painting and graphics. Later he took a tour guide license for Florence and the province, after studying art history, archeology and history of Florence etc.
From 2011 until 2013 he was secretary and interpreter for the Company of Fine Arts, Circle of Artists "House of Dante" in Florence, founded in 1842 as The association most ancient in Italy, was born to promote activities of fine arts and music.
The association as members-artists were enrolled Giovanni Fattori and also Pietro Annigoni in life and, today, are his students, Antonio Ciccone and Silvestro Pistolesi.
Since 2012, he served as event coordinator for the twinning between Florence and Kyoto. In 2013, I curated the exhibition of Japanese artists with exposure of Kimono, which belonged to the wife of the governor during the Renaissance Japanese, Concert in the same building and Concert of the winners and finalists of the contest of classical music in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, working with UNESCO Finally, I teach the Japanese language in Florence.

Slow Tour Tuscany - SVETLANA  KRASNOVA

Guida Turistica Russo-Italiano


  • Guida Turistica
  • Russo-Italiano

Здравствуйте ! Если Вы зашли на наш сайт , значит Вы путешественник и Вам интересна Тоскана ! Меня зовут Светлана Краснова . Я проживаю в Италии более 12 лет и являюсь лицензированным гидом по городу Флоренции и ее провинции .
С удовольствием познакомлю Вас с достопримечательностями города и его многочисленными музеями , а также с историческими традициями Флоренции . Предлагаю обзорные и тематические экскурсии , как для индивидуальных туристов , так и для больших туристических групп . Познакомлю Вас с великолепным пейзажем Тосканы , которая знаменита на весь мир своими винами и типичной эногастрономической продукцией ( а также ее дегустация ) этих мест . Там же в провинции для желающих попробовать свои силы в итальянской кухне , организую уроки тосканской кухни с последующем обедом или ужином . Вы мечтаете отметить в Тоскане Ваш семейный праздник , или юбилей , или заключить свой брак ?Помогу Вам в организации романтического ужина ( обеда ) , как во Флоренции , так и в типичных ресторанах замков , вил ее провинции . Вы уже посетили все музеи Флоренции ? У вас остался последний день вашего отпуска ? Предлагаю провести его в спокойной , оздоровительной и расслабляющей обстановке термальных источников ! А может вы предпочитаете окунуться в шопинг ? На комфортабельном автомобиле Вас доставят в лучшие аутлеты Тосканы и лучшие модные бутики . Здесь возможно удовлетворить любой вкус.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Silvia  Larossa

Tour guide Italian-English.French

Silvia Larossa

  • Tour guide
  • Italian-English.French

I am a historian and official tourist guide in Italian, Spanish and English.
Born in the province and Florence for years, since 2006 I started working with various museums in the preparation of catalog cards. In 2011 and exit my publication "With Litalia in the heart. The history of the Risorgimento in the modern art gallery of Palazzo Pitti", which told of how did the Italian, art, history, music and tradition.
From that point on, as well as research and conferences, I started to share my passion for the discovery of this city and Tuscany with groups, individuals, families and children who follow me in various guided tours.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Elisa  Martelli

Tour Guide - Tour escort Italian-English

Elisa Martelli

  • Tour Guide - Tour escort
  • Italian-English

Hi! My name is Elisa and I am a tour guide specialized in Florence.
I graduated in Bologna in Economical Sociology with a thesis on the impact of public art in Tuscany and I worked in Milan in journalism and communication.
After some years spent abroad in London and Malta, I decided to come back to my roots... maybe because I was missing Italian food & wine!
I will be delighted to share with you my knowledge of Florence, combining history, humorous “behind the scenes” and – of course – enogastronomic suggestions...
The cradle of Renaissance is so rich of art and stories that you never stop learning. Every tour is different and according to your interests we can create new paths together.

Slow Tour Tuscany - Zhou  Mingbo

Tour Guide Chinese-Italian

Zhou Mingbo

  • Tour Guide
  • Chinese-Italian

My name is Zhou Mingbo. I have been living in Italy for over 27 years, a country where I have formed a family with 3 children. In a city like Florence, inevitably you are impressed by the history and the artistic heritage, after a period of business together with my parents decided to undertake a new experience and I started attending the course to obtain the qualification as a tour guide. During my professional career, in the last 4 years I had customers such as politicians and important personalities.

Slow Tour Tuscany - SILVIA  NUNEZ

Tour guide Italian-Spanish


  • Tour guide
  • Italian-Spanish

Hello, I am Silvia Nunez.
Guide are in Italian and Spanish native speakers. I have a degree in Literature and Pedagogy. I taught in different schools until I discovered a passion for the art.
Id like you to meet a Florence UNUSUAL where legend, history, art, fashion, wine and good food are combined.
ll wait for you to have a fun and different ride .

Slow Tour Tuscany - Maria Francesca  Parra

Tour guide Italian-English

Maria Francesca Parra

  • Tour guide
  • Italian-English

I’m Maria Francesca Parra a licensed, Florentine – English speaking tourist guide . I’m so happy to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world: Florence !
Beauty has always surrounded my days: beautiful palaces, churches, works of art, but also our beautiful countryside, the sweet Tuscan hills with olive trees and vineyards, perfumes and all the fantastic flavours and smells of my family kitchen ! I have been extremely lucky to grow up in this magic atmosphere and I believe that beauty can really make people happier: a thing of beauty is a joy forever !
I think that the few days a year that we are on holidays are like precious pearls to use to “recharge the batteries” of beauty inside us and let us appreciate what we really have inside. In this respect I offer tailored itineraries: I like to consider my clients as persons to whom I can give part of my experience but also something that allows them to enrich inside: among my suggestions you’ll find visits to famous art galleries but also itineraries in quiet places where you’ll still be able to appreciate simple things: a garden, a perfume, a smell……
If you come to Florence I’ll be happy to be your personal guide in …. “renaissance” !

Slow Tour Tuscany - Letizia  Pasquini

Tour Guide Italian, German, English

Letizia Pasquini

  • Tour Guide
  • Italian, German, English

Hi! I’m a German and English-speaking tour guide of Florence and tour leader in Tuscany. I was born in Florence and I’ve proudly grown up in this marvellous city, “the cradle of the Renaissance”.
I graduated at the University of Florence and at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität of Bonn in German-Italian Studies (Double/Joint BA Degree) and I’m studying Modern Literatures in Siena.
I’ve been studying Art for pleasure since I was at school, so I try to do my best to share people all the passion and the knowledge I have for the history and for the traditions of my hometown. I will be delighted to be your personal guide and to show you all the treasures “my” Florence has to offer!

Slow Tour Tuscany - Alessio  Cecchini

Oenologist and FISAR Sommelier Italian - English - French

Alessio Cecchini

  • Oenologist and FISAR Sommelier
  • Italian - English - French

Alessio Cecchini, graduate student at the University of Florence "Viticulture and Enology."
Sommelier F.I.S.A.R. with 91/100 score.
Service experience for presentations enogastronomic guides Espresso and Slow Wine, Michelin-starred restaurant in Florence.
In the wine sector has been working on behalf of Italian companies in the Chianti Classico DOCG, Carmignano dOCG and French in Vosne-Romanée in Burgundy.